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European Roulette


European Roulette


GAME Play for fun

European Roulette



輪盤是一款簡單的遊戲,可為玩家提供贏得大獎的機會。 根據內華達州博彩委員會的標準規則,我們的輪盤基於標準的歐洲標准單零輪盤。一個像牙球在由36個數字加0的旋轉輪盤中旋轉。最終,該球隨機停在37個隨機數字之一上。玩家將通過在輪盤表的字段中下注來預測每次旋轉的結果。每個玩家都獨立於其他遊戲參與者向銀行下注。 您的贏利將取決於您通過相應地放置籌碼來預測球的最終靜止位置的程度。
遊戲名稱 歐洲輪盤
遊戲類型 桌上游戲
支持平台 桌面版(HTML5),移動版(iOS,Android


Roulette is a simple game that gives players the chance to win big. Our Roulette is based on standard European Standard Single Zero Roulette, according to the standard rules of the Nevada Gaming Commission. An ivory ball circles in the rotating roulette wheel that consists of 36 numbers plus 0. Eventually, the ball stops randomly on one of the 37 random numbers. The player is to predict the outcome of each spin by placing bets in the fields of the Roulette table. Each player wagers against the bank, independently from other game participants. Your winnings will be based on how well you have predicted the ball’s final resting-place by placing your chips accordingly.
Game Name European Roulette
Game Type Table Games
Supported Platforms Desktop (HTML5), Mobile (iOS, Android)
博馬娛樂城 博馬 真人視訊 老虎機
通博娛樂城 魔龍傳奇 老虎機
九州娛樂 九州娛樂城 THA LEO 魔龍傳奇 老虎機